Surrogacy in Ukraine-Overview

Surrogacy in Ukraine: Your Guide to Family Building

Ukraine stands out in the world of surrogacy. Since 1999, it has completed over 1,100 successful international programs1. With a stable democracy and European medical standards, it’s a top choice for couples wanting to use surrogacy. The country also offers cost-savings up to 70% compared to other places1

This guide will help you understand surrogacy in Ukraine. It covers everything from the current military situation’s impact to the legal details, costs, and the surrogacy process. By the end, you’ll have a clear picture of what to expect when considering surrogacy in Ukraine.


Key Takeaways
  • Ukraine offers high-quality medical care, a stable legal environment, and significant cost savings for surrogacy compared to other countries.
  • The ongoing military conflict in Ukraine has impacted the surrogacy industry, but reputable agencies have successfully relocated surrogates to safer regions.
  • Surrogacy in Ukraine is well-regulated, with the law granting parental rights to intended parents from the moment of conception.
  • Ukrainian surrogates must meet strict eligibility criteria, including being between 25-35 years old and the natural mother of at least one child.
  • The surrogacy process in Ukraine involves a comprehensive medical and legal framework, with potential additional costs for items like medical insurance and travel expenses.
Surrogacy in Ukraine

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Ukraine is now a top choice for surrogacy, thanks to its strong laws, top-notch medical care, and reasonable prices2. Many couples from around the globe favor Ukraine. It has become a significant player in the worldwide surrogacy scene2. Yet, the country’s surrogacy sector faces challenges due to the war, raising safety questions for everyone involved.

The Impact of the Military Situation

The conflict in Ukraine significantly affects its surrogacy scene. Challenges such as moving surrogates to safer spots and disruptions in medical services are common2. This guide aims to highlight how the war influences surrogacy in Ukraine. It’s essential information for those looking to start a family through surrogacy.

Key Aspects Covered in this Guide

This guide will highlight crucial parts of surrogacy in Ukraine. It includes:

  • Overview of the surrogacy industry in Ukraine
  • Impact of the current military situation on surrogacy
  • Cost of surrogacy in Ukraine
  • Legal framework and regulations
  • Surrogate mother requirements
  • Surrogacy process and timeline
  • Benefits of choosing Ukraine for surrogacy
  • Eligibility criteria for intended parents
  • Alternative surrogacy destinations due to the war-like situation

Exploring these topics will give a deep understanding of surrogacy in Ukraine. It will help future parents decide wisely during these challenging times2.

Overview of Surrogacy in Ukraine

surrogacy in ukraine


Surrogacy lets a woman carry a child for someone else. This woman is the surrogate mother. The parents who will raise the child are called the intended parents. The main goal of surrogacy is to help childless people start a family.

Why Ukraine for Surrogacy?

Many choose Ukraine for surrogacy because of its strong laws. In Ukraine, the law says the intended parents are the child’s real parents4. This legal clarity attracts people from around the world. Ukraine has top-notch clinics and doctors. They offer high-quality fertility treatment at a great value.

The cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is also lower than in other countries4. This makes it a more affordable option. Ukraine has lots of egg donors and surrogate mothers. So, finding the right one is easier.

Reasons to Choose Ukraine for Surrogacy

People pick Ukraine for surrogacy due to its great laws and success rates. The laws here protect everyone involved, making the process clear and safe4.

They have a good record for successful surrogacy too, much like the best places in the world4. A big plus is the variety of egg donors with different backgrounds. This variety increases the chance of finding a good match. Plus, the cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is very competitive. This makes it an appealing choice for many.

Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, is also an interesting place for a surrogacy journey. It’s full of history and culture waiting to be experienced.

“Surrogacy in Ukraine has become a popular choice for many international couples due to the country’s stable legal framework, high-quality medical facilities, and affordable costs.”

With its legal safety, medical excellence, cost-effectiveness, and unique cultural experience, Ukraine stands out for those looking into surrogacy.

Current Military Situation and its Impact on Surrogacy in Ukraine

The military conflict in Ukraine began in 2014 but escalated in 2022, affecting its surrogacy industry6. Before the invasion, Ukraine was a top pick for international parents wanting surrogacy services6. Now, the war has brought about many challenges. It’s made the surrogacy journey harder, not just in terms of logistics but also in terms of safety and legal hurdles.

Challenges and Risks Posed by the Military Conflict


The war in Ukraine makes surrogacy harder and riskier. UK parents can’t come and go from Ukraine like before. This affects not just them but also their surrogates and any children in the process. The conflict might mean having to move stored genetic materials from Ukrainian clinics to others in safer places.

  • Travel logistics are complicated by flight bans and border closures.
  • Fears for surrogate mothers’ safety are real, especially if they live near fighting.
  • Medical services, including those needed for surrogacy, might be impacted.
  • Surrogacy law processes and getting the baby back home face new hurdles because of the war.
  • The stress and worry brought by the conflict can deeply affect everyone involved in surrogacy.

The fighting in Ukraine has deeply affected surrogacy there. The UK gave visas to Ukrainian surrogate families wanting to come to the UK for up to three years. But, fewer surrogates are getting pregnant and fewer babies are being born because of the war Restrictions on traveling to Ukraine have been put in place to keep UK parents safe. There are also worries about the safety and health care availability for the pregnant surrogates in Ukraine.

“The pandemic and the war in Ukraine have caused uncertainty and chaos, highlighting power differentials between intended parents and surrogates, oversight inadequacies, and the risk of commodifying women’s bodies.”

The war in Ukraine is making surrogacy efforts more difficult and risky. The safety, movement, and legal parts of the process are all affected. As the situation changes, it is very important for both parents and surrogacy leaders to keep updated and find ways to keep everyone safe and well.

Cost of Surrogacy in Ukraine



The cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is $50,000 to $70,000 based on the types of surrogacy journey and location of the IVF clinics.  Ukraine is one of the country which allow commercial surrogacy. Ukraine is a popular choice for surrogacy because it’s affordable and accessible. The cost is lower here than in many other places.

Surrogacy costs in Ukraine depend on the clinic, agency, and program you choose. You’ll pay for things like consultations, finding a surrogate, medical fees, and more.

So, how much does surrogacy cost in Ukraine? The overall price in Ukraine is much lower than in the US or Canada. It can be anywhere between $51,830 and $65,500, while in the US, it’s over $100,000. So, it’s about 50 to 70% cheaper.

The cost depends on many aspects, including clinic quality and the surrogate’s pay. It also involves legal and agency fees, the need for an egg donor, and other services required7. Kiev’s IVF clinics have very high success rates because of the top-notch technology and services they offer.

Compared to the US and Canada, Ukraine is a more affordable surrogacy option. In the US, it can cost $100,000 to $150,000. In Canada, prices go up to $80,000 to $100,000. But in Ukraine, you can expect to pay between $51,830 and $65,500.

Lower medical costs and surrogate fees in Ukraine make surrogacy more affordable. Also, the laws in Ukraine ensure that surrogacy is done in approved clinics, following high standards.

To sum up, choosing surrogacy in Ukraine is a more budget-friendly option. It costs between $51,830 and $65,500. This is much less than what you would pay in other places.


Here’s a comparison of estimated surrogacy costs in Ukraine and other countries.

Country Estimated Cost Range (USD) Notes
Ukraine $50,000 – $70,000 Known for affordability and favorable laws
United States $100,000 – $200,000+ Most expensive option, highly regulated
Canada $70,000 – $100,000 Only altruistic surrogacy allowed
Mexico $60,000 – $80,000 Similar costs to Ukraine, different legal framework
Georgia $50,000 – $75,000 Another affordable Eastern European option
Argentina $55,000 – $70,000 More expensive than Ukraine, less than Western countries
India $20,000 – $35,000 Now restricted for foreigners


Key points to remember:

  1. Costs can vary widely based on individual circumstances and specific clinics.
  2. Lower cost doesn’t always mean better – consider legal protections and medical standards.
  3. These figures are estimates and may not reflect current prices.
  4. Total costs typically include medical procedures, legal fees, surrogate compensation, and agency fees.
  5. Always consult with legal and medical professionals before making a decision.

This table provides a general overview for comparison purposes. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s advisable to contact surrogacy agencies or clinics directly in the countries you’re considering.


Surrogacy Laws in Ukraine

Ukraine strongly supports and regulates the surrogacy world. It allows Commercial gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate isn’t related to the baby, making it a common practice there. This is great news for married couples who can’t have children the natural way. For example, when the wife can’t carry a pregnancy.

The laws in Ukraine ensure all parties’ rights – the new parents, the surrogate, and the baby. They require a detailed legal contract before the process starts, clearly stating everyone’s roles. And, when the baby arrives, the birth certificate lists the intended parents, even if they’re not the biological parents. This shows their legal ties to the baby.

Requirements for Surrogacy in Ukraine

Here are the rules for both the new parents and surrogates in Ukraine:

  • Intended Parents: A married couple is key, with the wife needing medical proof she can’t get pregnant.
  • Surrogate Mothers: Surrogates must be aged 25 to 35, with a child of their own, and ready both physically and emotionally for the task. Importantly, they must not know the intended parents.

Ukraine’s rules for surrogacy have been consistent lately, with no big changes. This makes the legal environment there very friendly for these arrangements. But, issues due to the country’s war can make things a bit complex. So, future parents should prepare for some extra challenges.

Future parents should team up with trusted surrogacy agencies and lawyers in Ukraine. This way, they’ll stay ahead of any new legal developments that might happen.


“The Hague Adoption Convention, drafted in 1993 and ratified by 99 countries as of 2019, improved the international adoption process and addressed issues like human trafficking; Lamberton suggests a comparable regulatory framework for surrogacy.”

Many experts want a global set of rules for surrogacy like what we have for adoption. They think it could stop problems like illegal trafficking and make sure everyone is treated right. It would also make sure the legal side of things is clear when families cross borders.

Surrogate Mothers in Ukraine


Becoming a surrogate mother in Ukraine follows strict rules. The country sets requirements that must be met. These include ages 25-35, having a child already, and passing health and mental checks13. Surrogates in Ukraine should have had a successful birth before.

First, a potential surrogate undergoes many tests. These include medical and psychological exams. She must also pass a background check. This ensures she is fit for the role. If she makes it, she starts working with the intended parents. They all sign a legal agreement before moving forward.

Qualifications and Criteria for Surrogate Mothers in Ukraine

  • Age: 25-35 years old
  • Must have at least one child of their own
  • Mentally and physically capable of carrying a pregnancy
  • No relation to the intended parents
  • Marital status is irrelevant

In Ukraine, strict rules help protect the surrogates and the process. The typical surrogate is between 19 and 32. She’s in good health and already has kids. The child’s genetic material comes from the intended parents or a donor, not the surrogate.

Benefits and Support for Surrogate Mothers in Ukraine

Surrogate mothers get a lot of support in Ukraine. Before the war, the overall surrogacy cost was between £23,000 and £47,000. The surrogate usually received about £17,000. This is an important part of a government-regulated compensation plan. Ukraine became a top surrogacy spot after bans in other countries. By 2018, this country made up a large part of the global market.

Aside from pay, surrogate mothers receive top-notch medical care. Skilled doctors keep a close eye on their health. Emotional and mental support is also available. This helps the surrogates get through tough times. The contract they sign plus Ukrainian laws protect their rights. They bear no responsibility for the child they carry.

“Surrogates in Ukraine do not use their own eggs, instead, the genetic material comes from the intended parents or a donor.”

Ukraine has put in place a strong system to aid and safeguard surrogate mothers. This makes it a top choice for those wanting to start a family via surrogacy.

Surrogacy Process in Ukraine



The process of surrogacy in Ukraine is quite detailed. It involves fertility clinics, important legal steps, and detailed medical checks. Intended parents start by speaking with a surrogacy agency to address their needs and go through a deep screening process.

After finding a suitable woman to be the surrogate, a detailed contract is drawn up and signed. This document spells out everyone’s rights, duties, and what is expected. The surrogate then goes through medical checks, gets fertility help, and has the embryo transferred at a known clinic in Ukraine.

The surrogate mother gets complete prenatal care during the pregnancy. The parents keep in close touch with updates. When it’s time to have the baby, the surrogate gives birth. At this moment, the parents become the legal parents on the birth certificate. The last step is for the parents to complete all needed paperwork with their surrogacy agency and legal experts to bring their new baby home.

Here’s the step-by-step surrogacy process in Ukraine

Step Process Description
1 Initial Consultation – Contact surrogacy agency/clinic in Ukraine
– Discuss medical history, requirements, costs
– Choose surrogacy program
2 Legal Agreement – Sign contracts with agency and intended surrogate
– Review all legal aspects and responsibilities
3 Medical Screening – Intended parents undergo medical tests
– Surrogate undergoes physical and psychological screening
4 Surrogate Matching – Agency presents potential surrogate candidates
– Intended parents select a surrogate
5 IVF Process – Egg retrieval from intended mother or egg donor
– Sperm collection from intended father
– Embryo creation and testing
6 Embryo Transfer – Prepare surrogate for embryo transfer
– Perform the embryo transfer procedure
7 Pregnancy Confirmation – Conduct pregnancy tests and early scans
– Confirm successful implantation
8 Pregnancy Monitoring – Regular check-ups and medical care for surrogate
– Updates provided to intended parents
9 Birth Preparation – Arrange travel to Ukraine for intended parents
– Prepare necessary documents for the birth
10 Childbirth – Surrogate gives birth in a designated hospital
– Intended parents present for the birth if possible
11 Legal Procedures – Register the baby with intended parents as legal parents
– Obtain birth certificate
12 Travel Documentation – Apply for the child’s passport
– Prepare for return journey to home country
13 Return Home – Travel back to home country with the newborn
– Complete any required legal procedures in home country


This table provides a structured overview of the surrogacy process in Ukraine. Remember that individual cases may vary, and it’s important to work closely with your chosen agency and legal advisors throughout the process. Always verify current regulations and requirements, as they may change over time.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy Consulting services globally, check out the rest of our website at Ukraine Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.


Mobile: +91-8800481100 ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)







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FAQ for surrogacy in Ukraine

What is the current military situation in Ukraine and how does it impact surrogacy in the country?

The military conflict in Ukraine started in 2014 and became worse in 2022. It has affected the surrogacy industry in the country. As a result, there’s been instability and a lot of people have had to move. Medical services in some parts of Ukraine have been disrupted. This situation is making it hard for surrogate mothers and intended parents to feel safe and secure.

What are the typical costs associated with surrogacy in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, surrogacy is more affordable than in the US or Canada. The total cost is usually between $51,830 and $65,500. This includes agency and consultation fees, compensation for the egg donor (if needed), finding and preparing the surrogate, clinic and medical costs, prenatal care, the surrogate’s compensation, and services after the baby is born.

Is surrogacy legal in Ukraine, and what are the requirements for intended parents and surrogate mothers?

Surrogacy is legal and well-regulated in Ukraine. It has clear laws that support surrogacy. For intended parents, they must be a married man and woman. They should show medical reports that the woman cannot carry a baby. The surrogate must be 25 to 35 years old, have her own child, and be healthy in mind and body.

What is the process of becoming a surrogate mother in Ukraine?

For women wanting to be surrogates in Ukraine, there’s a detailed process. They must meet the standards set by the government. This involves medical and mental health checks and being matched with parents. Surrogate mothers are paid, get full medical support, emotional help, and legal backing.

What are the steps involved in the surrogacy process in Ukraine?

The surrogacy journey in Ukraine includes several key steps. First is a consultation and checks to ensure everyone is ready. Then, finding the right surrogate follows. After that, legal agreements are made. Medical procedures come next, including implanting the embryo. The pregnancy and prenatal care follow. Finally, there’s childbirth, postpartum care, and bringing the baby to the parents’ home. Specialists, clinics, and lawyers all have important parts in this process.

Source Links

  1. – Nova Espero (New Hope) Egg Donor & Surrogacy Agency
  2. – Lessons from Ukraine: Shifting International Surrogacy Policy to Protect Women and Children
  3. – ‘The bombs won’t stop us’: business brisk at Ukraine’s surrogacy clinics
  4. – Surrogacy in Ukraine: cost, laws, reviews, best clinic | Vittoriavita
  5. – Meet the Author | Veronika Siegl
  6. – What does the war in Ukraine mean for international surrogacy arrangements?
  7. – How much does surrogacy cost in Ukraine? | IVF Conceptions
  8. – Cost of gestational surrogacy in Ukraine | VittoriaVita
  9. – Ukraine Surrogacy Agency | Best surrogacy Clinic in Ukraine | FertilityWorld
  10. – About Surrogacy, Surrogate Mother | New Hope
  11. – PDF
  12. – Ukraine conflict highlights legal issues surrounding international commercial surrogacy
  13. – ‘It’s a Terrible Thing When a Grown Person Does Not Belong to Herself’ (Published 2022)
  14. – Surrogacy In Ukraine: Laws, Legal Support, Process – UAmedTOURS
  15. – An English couple, a Ukrainian surrogate and a baby: the extraordinary story of how war united two unlikely families
  16. – Surrogacy process in Ukraine step by step
  17. – FAQ – Egg Donation & Surrogacy in Ukraine
  18. – Surrogacy Ukraine surrogate mother ukraine


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T & Y, USA

T & Y, USA

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wish you a great happy year ahead.

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P & H, USA

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“Hoping to have wonder babies, we initiated the process with Neelam at IVF Conceptions. Her warm concerns and dedicated helps drive this process moving through frustrated change of surrogacy policy in India. More Testimonials



“On April 18th, my wife Laura and I were fortunate enough to have a daughter born via surrogacy in India. From what we are told, she will be one of the last if the ban on commercial surrogacy for foreigners put in place last year is not reversed. More Testimonials

C & L, USA

C & L, USA

Ukraine Surrogacy Agency is a healthcare consultant, not a medical facility. All information and data published on this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitution or a priority before medical advice of your doctor. The website visitors are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with their professional healthcare providers/reproductive lawyers. IVF Conceptions will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, or other damages arising from the violation or misinterpretation of such recommendations.

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