IVF in Ukraine

Affordable and Successful IVF in Ukraine for Couples


The cost of one IVF cycle in the U.S. can go over $20,000. Yet, Ukraine offers top-notch IVF for much less. Here, a basic IVF package starts at only $3,900 USD. This makes Ukraine a great choice for building families on a budget.

Ukraine’s IVF services are known worldwide for their high success rates, equaling those in the US and Europe. More and more couples choose Ukraine for its reliable and cost-friendly fertility options. These include egg donation, surrogacy, and the latest reproductive methods.

Affordable and Successful IVF in Ukraine for Couples

Key Takeaways
  • The average cost of a single IVF cycle in the US can exceed $20,000, while in Ukraine IVF cost starts at just $3,900 USD.
  • Ukraine offers high-quality IVF services with success rates comparable to the US and Western Europe.
  • Ukraine is a prime destination for couples seeking affordable and successful fertility treatments, including egg donation and surrogacy.
  • The IVF industry in Ukraine has gained global recognition for its cost-effective and reliable services.
  • Couples from around the world are increasingly choosing Ukraine for their fertility needs due to its affordability and success rates.

Mobile: +91-8800481100 ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)

Email: neelam@ivfconceptions.com


Explore Affordable IVF Treatment in Ukraine

Ukraine is a top choice for IVF due to its basic IVF packages priced at $3,900 USD. It is perfect for couples who want to overcome infertility barriers. The country’s top fertility clinics provide excellent care and expertise.

What you need to know about fertility treatments in Ukraine-

  • There is no legally mandated age limit for women pursuing IVF treatments – clinics determine their own age policies individually.
  • There are no restrictions on the male partner’s age for IVF treatments.
  • IVF services are available to heterosexual couples in Ukraine.
  • Single women can access IVF procedures, but female same-sex couples cannot utilize IVF.
  • Male same-sex couples are also unable to receive IVF treatments.
  • Sex selection for IVF embryos is generally prohibited, except in cases where it prevents transmission of serious genetic disorders. However, some clinics may disclose embryo sex in genetic testing results.
  • Many Ukrainian fertility clinics provide services to HIV-positive individuals.
  • Likewise, many clinics accept patients with hepatitis C (HCV) or hepatitis B (HBV) for IVF.
  • The maximum number of embryos allowed for transfer is two for IVF using the woman’s own eggs, and three for IVF with donor eggs, provided medical indicators justify transferring that number.

Legal aspects of IVF treatment in Ukraine

IVF Experts


Ukraine offers flexibility on certain legal aspects of IVF treatment compared to some other countries. Notably, there is no legally mandated age limit for IVF recipients – clinics evaluate and decide on a case-by-case basis. This allows patients who may be denied treatment elsewhere due to age restrictions to potentially receive IVF in Ukraine. There is also no age limit for male partners.

IVF treatment is permitted for heterosexual couples and single women in Ukraine. However, female same-sex couples and male couples are currently unable to access IVF services.

Sex selection for IVF embryos is generally prohibited unless it is for the purpose of preventing the transmission of serious genetic disorders. Though some clinics may disclose the embryo’s sex in genetic testing results.

There are no legal restrictions on HIV-positive individuals receiving IVF treatment in Ukraine – this is at the discretion of each clinic. The same applies for patients with hepatitis C (HCV) or hepatitis B (HBV).

When transferring embryos created from the woman’s own eggs, a maximum of two embryos can be transferred. If using donor eggs, up to three embryos may be transferred if medically indicated and with the patient’s consent.


Egg donation in Ukraine

egg donation process in Ukraine

Egg donation is a very popular service at IVF clinics in Ukraine. There is an ample supply of egg donors available, with the majority being of Caucasian ethnicity, though some clinics can provide donors from other ethnic backgrounds as well. 

Ukrainian law requires egg donors to be between 18-36 years old. There are no waiting lists, and both fresh and frozen donor eggs are readily accessible options. An egg donor in Ukraine is legally permitted to donate a maximum of eight times.

Ukraine has a hybrid system with both anonymous and non-anonymous egg donors. Some clinics only provide basic donor information to recipients, while others may share more comprehensive non-identifying details like skills, hobbies, education level, and even baby/adult photos of the donor. However, the child’s identity can never be revealed to the donor.

By law, all egg donors must undergo and pass the following qualification tests:

  • Screening for TORCH infections (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia, Herpes 1&2)
  • Hepatitis B and C testing
  • HIV testing
  • Syphilis testing
  • Cystic fibrosis screening
  • Karyotyping (chromosomal analysis)
  • Psychological evaluation interview


Topic Details
Popularity Very popular service at Ukrainian IVF clinics
Donor Availability – Ample supply of donors
– Majority Caucasian
– Some clinics provide other ethnicities
Donor Age Legal age is 18-36 years old
Egg Type – No waiting lists
– Both fresh and frozen donor eggs are available
Maximum Donations 8 donations allowed per donor
Donor Anonymity – Hybrid system of anonymous and non-anonymous donors
– Some clinics provide basic info only
– Others share more details like skills, hobbies, photos
– But child’s identity never revealed
Donor Matching Based on visual characteristics:
– Race
– Skin tone
– Hair color
– Eye color
To ensure resemblance to recipient
Mandatory Donor Tests – TORCH infections screening
– Hepatitis B and C
– Syphilis
– Cystic fibrosis
– Karyotyping (chromosomal analysis)
– Psychological evaluation interview


Basic IVF Package: Cost-Effective yet Comprehensive

The basic IVF package in Ukraine includes in-vitro fertilization basics like expert fees and medications. It also covers stimulative injections. What’s great is that couples can pay in installments, making this option reachable for many.

This package gives you a full range of services. It’s designed to help more couples succeed in having a baby. With skilled Ukrainian specialists, it shows that affordable IVF can still be top-quality.

Treatment Component Included in Basic IVF Package
Expert Fees
Medication Costs
Stimulative Injections
Embryo Transfer
Monitoring and Follow-up


Ukraine’s cost-effective IVF packages make it a top pick for those wanting affordable IVF treatment with high quality.


Advanced IVF Packages: Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs

Ukraine offers advanced IVF packages for couples with complex fertility issues. These packages meet unique needs and help chances for successful conception rise. 

They include options for donor eggs or sperm. Sperm donors may cost $590 USD. Donor eggs can cost up to $2,900 USD. For both, costs can reach $7,390 USD.

Couples facing various fertility problems can find help in Ukraine. This includes issues like advanced maternal age, diminished ovarian reserve, and more. 

Using donor eggs or sperm offers unique solutions. It gives these couples a better chance at having a baby. 

IVF Package Cost (USD) Features
Advanced IVF with Donor Sperm $4,900 Includes IVF treatment, embryo transfer, and the cost of donor sperm
Advanced IVF with Donor Eggs $6,490 Includes IVF treatment, embryo transfer, and the cost of donor eggs
Advanced IVF with Donor Eggs and Sperm $7,390 Includes IVF treatment, embryo transfer, and the cost of both donor eggs and sperm


These advanced IVF packages in Ukraine are life-changing for many. Access to donor eggs and sperm turns the dream of parenthood into reality. 

“The advanced IVF packages in Ukraine have been a game-changer for us. The ability to access donor eggs and sperm has made our dream of starting a family a reality.”

IVF in Ukraine: A Comparative Analysis of Costs

Cost is a big deal for many couples looking into IVF. IVF treatments in Ukraine are much cheaper than in the US and Europe. 

In the US, IVF can cost from $12,000 to $15,000. In Europe, it’s a bit lower, at $8,000 to $12,000. On the other hand, basic IVF in Ukraine starts at $3,900. The top packages there are around $7,390. This makes Ukraine a good choice for those wanting to pay less for fertility help. 

Location Average IVF Cost (USD)
United States $12,000 – $15,000
Europe $8,000 – $12,000
Ukraine $3,900 – $7,390


This price gap has led to more people traveling to Ukraine for IVF. They can find top-notch care at a much lower price. ivf cost comparison ukraine, affordable ivf ukraine vs us, and ivf costs ukraine vs Europe show that it’s worth considering. 

“The affordability of IVF in Ukraine has opened up new possibilities for couples struggling with infertility. It’s a game-changer in the world of reproductive healthcare.”

Ukraine has become a top spot for those seeking good IVF that’s also affordable. The mix of great medical services and lower costs there attracts many. 

Factors Influencing IVF Costs in Ukraine

IVF Cost in Ukraine

Thinking about IVF in Ukraine involves many factors that affect both cost and success. The expertise and success rates of the country’s fertility clinics are key. These aspects greatly influence how much treatment costs.

  • Clinic Expertise and Success Rates

Renowned clinics in Ukraine, like ISIDA Clinic and ADONIS Medical Group, stand out. They have top-notch doctors and use the latest reproductive technologies. Their strong record of success with IVF reflects their expertise.

This success ties directly to the treatment’s cost. Because these clinics are known for their high success rates, couples may not need to do as many IVF cycles. This can save them money in the long run.

  • Access to Advanced Reproductive Technologies

Ukraine also stands out because of its access to cutting-edge reproductive technologies. Things like ICSI, PGD, and cryopreservation are easily available. This means treatment plans can be specifically designed for each person.

These advanced technologies boost the success of IVF in Ukraine. This makes the country a top pick for couples looking for cost-effective and effective IVF.

“Ukraine’s IVF clinics offer a unique combination of affordability and high-quality care, making it an attractive destination for couples seeking fertility treatments.”

With Ukraine’s skilled clinics and advanced technologies, couples can get IVF that’s both affordable and successful. This makes Ukraine a premier spot for those wanting to start a family through IVF.

Here is a draft blog post topic on IVF with genetic testing and gender selection in Ukraine:

Title: Understanding Genetic Testing and Gender Selection for IVF in Ukraine

IVF with Genetic testing- IVF-ICSI-PGT-A

Genetic Testing of Embryos Many Ukrainian IVF clinics are equipped to perform preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) on embryos created through IVF. This allows for the screening of embryos for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders prior to transfer and implantation. The two main types offered are:

PGT-A (PGT for Aneuploidy Screening) Checks for abnormal numbers of chromosomes in the embryos, helping identify those most likely to result in a successful pregnancy.

PGT-M (PGT for Monogenic/Single Gene Disorders) Tests embryos for specific inherited genetic conditions that the parents may be carriers for, like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, etc.

PGT can significantly increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy and birth. It is particularly beneficial for those with recurrent miscarriages, unsuccessful IVF attempts, or known genetic disorder risks.

Gender Selection Regulations

In Ukraine, non-medical gender selection through IVF is illegal. However, clinics may legally disclose the embryo’s gender as part of PGT results. This allows intended parents to use that information for family balancing purposes if they already have children of one gender.

The only instance where gender selection itself is permitted is if it prevents the transmission of serious X-linked genetic disorders to the offspring. Examples include Duchenne muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, and certain metabolic disorders.

Intended parents interested in genetic testing and/or gender selection should inquire with the specific IVF clinics they are considering in Ukraine for the most up-to-date information and procedures. Regulations can evolve, so verifying current policies is advisable.

The Journey of IVF in Ukraine: Step-by-Step Guide

Starting the IVF process in Ukraine may seem complex but also very hopeful. It’s crucial to know each step of the IVF journey in Ukraine to make the process smooth. We’ll look at what couples go through when they choose IVF treatment in Ukraine.

  • Initial Consultation and Evaluation

The steps of IVF Ukraine kick off with a talk with a fertility doctor. During this first meeting, the doctor checks your medical history and does some tests like ultrasounds and hormone checks. After this, they’ll create a plan just for you, based on what you need and your hopes.

  • Stimulation Phase

The journey continues with a phase where you get hormone shots to help your body make more eggs. Your clinic will keep a close eye on how you’re doing, making sure the eggs are growing well. They might need to change your treatment a bit to get the best results.

  • Egg Retrieval

When the eggs are ready, a small procedure is done to collect them. You won’t feel it because you’ll be asleep or the area will be numbed. The clinic will take special care in this step, making sure to get as many good eggs as possible.

  • Fertilization and Embryo Transfer

In a lab, your eggs are introduced to sperm, creating embryos. The best embryo, or sometimes more, is then put in your uterus. This is done at just the right time to give you the best shot at a pregnancy.

  • Recovery and Follow-up

After the transfer, you start a period of recovery. The clinic will check in on you often to see how you’re doing. This is a key time, making sure everything is going well for you and maybe the baby.

The IVF journey in Ukraine is a carefully planned path. It needs teamwork between the medical team, lab staff, and you. Knowing what to expect can make you feel more ready for this big change.

“The IVF process in Ukraine is not just a medical procedure, but a journey filled with hope, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams.”

IVF in Ukraine: Balancing Affordability and Success Rates

IVF Vs IUI– What Is Process, Cost And Success Rates

Ukraine has become a top choice for couples wanting affordable and quality IVF options. The country offers skilled medical experts and the latest in reproductive technology. This has led to success rates that match or beat those in the US and Western Europe.

The affordability of IVF in Ukraine is a big draw for people from other countries. Basic IVF can be found starting at just $3,900 USD. More advanced options can go up to $7,390 USD. With such good prices and great care, Ukraine is a popular place for couples looking to have a baby through IVF.

“Ukraine has become a beacon of hope for couples seeking affordable and successful IVF treatment. The country’s skilled medical professionals and access to cutting-edge technology have made it a premier destination for fertility tourism.”

Ukraine’s IVF success can be partly credited to its medical professionals. The country has a team of top-notch experts in fertility. They work with the newest reproductive technologies. Because of their efforts, the success rates here rival or beat those in richer countries.

Ukraine’s IVF scene caters to many different needs. It offers everything from basic treatments to more complex options. This means couples can find what’s best for them, both medically and financially. The country focuses on giving its patients excellent care, making it a favorite for international couples looking for IVF.

Couples worldwide are finding out about the benefits of choosing Ukraine for IVF. As its reputation for affordable and successful IVF grows, more people are likely to turn to Ukraine. The country is committed to helping families grow through assisted reproductive technology, making it a key player in the IVF world.

IVF in Ukraine: Destination for Reproductive Tourism

Ukraine is now a hot spot for couples from across the globe. They’re looking for top-notch yet affordable IVF treatment. Leading clinics like ISIDA and ADONIS are known for their skills and high success rates.

The IVF costs in Ukraine are much lower than in other parts of the world. This makes it a favorite for those needing fertility help. The warm atmosphere, modern health care, and skilled specialists make Ukraine a top choice for reproductive tourism.

Affordable and Accessible IVF in Ukraine

The low cost of fertility treatment in Ukraine is a big draw for many. Getting IVF here can be as low as $3,000, far cheaper than in the US or UK. This saving is huge for those on a budget.

Because of this, Ukraine has become a go-to place for couples worldwide. They get top-notch treatment cheaper. Ukraine is now a top spot for fertility treatment abroad Ukraine.

Cutting-Edge Fertility Treatments and Expertise

Ukraine’s clinics are known for using the latest in fertility tech. They have teams of experts ready to give top care. Services include genetic testing, banking options for eggs and sperm, and even surrogacy.

The success rates here are as good or better than those in the West. This makes Ukraine a top choice for many seeking fertility help. Clinics like ISIDA and ADONIS draw couples from all over for their expertise in reproductive tourism Ukraine.

Clinic Reputation Success Rates Cost of IVF Cycle
ISIDA Clinic Renowned for expertise and advanced technologies Over 60% success rate for women under 35 $3,500 – $5,000
ADONIS Medical Group Highly regarded for personalized care and innovative treatments Average success rate of 55% across all age groups $4,000 – $6,500


Ukraine is now globally known for its mix of great care, low prices, and success. It’s a key place for many to fulfill their dreams of having a family. People from all around are choosing Ukraine for IVF.


Ukraine is now a top place for affordable and effective IVF treatment. The country’s fertility clinics have many IVF packages to choose from. Their basic options start at a reasonable $3,900 USD.

Ukrainian fertility specialists are known for their top-notch skills. They have the latest technologies for IVF. Their success rates are as good as, or better than, those in the US and Europe.

This mix of quality and affordability attracts many couples. Ukraine is becoming a key spot for those needing help with fertility. It’s largely because of the great care and competitive prices.

Ukraine’s medical setup is strong and the people are welcoming. They focus on giving each patient the right care. As more people look for IVF, Ukraine’s role as a top spot will likely grow further.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy Consulting services globally, check out the rest of our website at Ukraine Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.


Mobile: +91-8800481100 ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)

Email: neelam@ivfconceptions.com

Web: www.ivfconceptions.com

Web: www.completesurrogacy.com

Web: https://georgiasurrogacyagency.com/

Ukraine Surrogacy Agency

FAQ- IVF in Ukraine

What is the basic IVF package cost in Ukraine?

The basic IVF package in Ukraine costs about $3,900 USD. This includes expert fees, medication, and stimulative injections.

What are the advanced IVF package options in Ukraine?

If you need donor eggs or sperm, IVF packages in Ukraine go from $4,490 to $7,390 USD.

How do the IVF costs in Ukraine compare to other countries?

Ukraine’s IVF treatment is much cheaper than in the US or Western Europe. There, it costs about $12,000 to $15,000 USD and $8,000 to $12,000 USD, respectively.

What factors influence the cost of IVF in Ukraine?

The success rates of fertility clinics and the technology they use affect IVF prices in Ukraine. This makes IVF more cost-effective there.

Can you describe the IVF journey in Ukraine?

The IVF journey in Ukraine starts with a consultation. Then, it moves to the stimulation phase, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. It ends with follow-up appointments, all managed by a medical team for success.

Why is Ukraine a popular destination for reproductive tourism?

Ukraine draws many with its affordable IVF and high success rates. Its welcoming atmosphere also plays a big part.

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Ukraine Surrogacy Agency is a healthcare consultant, not a medical facility. All information and data published on this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitution or a priority before medical advice of your doctor. The website visitors are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with their professional healthcare providers/reproductive lawyers. IVF Conceptions will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, or other damages arising from the violation or misinterpretation of such recommendations.

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