How Does Surrogacy Process Work?

How Does Surrogacy Process Work?


Key Takeaways for How Surrogacy work:

  • Surrogacy helps families grow when medical or personal issues stop them. It offers hope and a chance to have a child. 
  • It’s often the last hope for parents after years of infertility. 
  • Many people are involved in the surrogacy process. This includes intended parents, surrogate mothers, egg donors, and more. 
  • Assisted reproduction and third-party reproduction are key to success. 
  • Surrogacy lets families grow and creates lifelong bonds. It requires professional help, legal support, and emotional understanding. 

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Introduction: Understanding gestational surrogacy Process

Surrogacy has become more popular and recognized. It’s when a woman carries a child for another couple. This helps those who can’t have a child themselves. We’ll explain the surrogacy process step by step. 

Surrogacy isn’t new but has grown with new technologies. It’s a long and challenging process, so be ready. 

There are two main types of surrogacy: traditional and gestational. 

In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is related to the child because her egg is used. 

Gestational surrogacy uses IVF to create an embryo from the parents’ or donors’ genes. The surrogate isn’t related to the child. 

Surrogacy is deeply personal and influenced by many factors. It’s complex and involves emotional, legal, and medical aspects. 

Consider if surrogacy is right for you. If yes, research the process well. 


More Resources to Read:

Cost of Surrogacy in USA: What to Expect

Who Can Become Surrogate Mother: Requirements And Info

Surrogate Mother Cost for Twins: What to Expect

Average Cost for Surrogacy: Detailed Breakdown

The Surrogacy Process- A Step-by-step Guide for the intended parent

Here’s a guide for intended parents and surrogates. It helps understand the surrogacy process and its steps. 


1. Initial Consultation and Screening

The surrogacy process starts with an initial consultation and screening. These steps are important for a successful journey. Let’s look at these steps closely. 

Initial Consultation: Surrogacy process for intended parents: 

Intended parents and surrogates meet to discuss their goals and the process. 

During this consultation, both parties can ask questions and clear up any doubts. They learn about the agency’s or clinic’s role in the surrogacy journey.

Screening Procedures:

Medical Evaluations: Intended parents and potential surrogates get full medical checks. This is to see their health and if they can carry a pregnancy.

Intended parents might need to share their medical history and go through tests. They might also need to do some medical procedures to see if they’re a good match for surrogacy.

Potential surrogates get checked too. They have physical exams, hormone tests, and checks on their reproductive health. This makes sure they can carry a healthy pregnancy.

Psychological Assessments: 

Both intended parents and potential surrogates get checked by mental health experts.

These checks look at their mental and emotional readiness for surrogacy. Intended parents might talk about their reasons and what they expect. They also prepare for the emotional challenges.

Potential surrogates get checked to see if they’re mentally fit. They learn about the surrogacy process and how to set boundaries.

Legal Considerations: 

Intended parents and potential surrogates might talk to lawyers to make surrogacy agreements.

They can also get legal advice from their own lawyers. This makes sure everyone knows their rights and duties.

These agreements cover things like rights, duties, and what everyone expects. Legal experts help with laws, parental rights, and other important legal stuff.

The first steps in surrogacy are key. They build trust and understanding between intended parents and surrogates. With medical checks, mental assessments, and legal advice, the journey can start with confidence.


2. Matching Process and Legal Procedures for surrogate mother 




The journey includes matching intended parents with a surrogate and legal steps. Let’s look at these parts more closely:

Matching Process of Surrogacy:

After the first steps, the matching starts. Agencies or clinics help find the best match for everyone.

They look at things like health, personal likes, values, and legal stuff. This makes sure everyone is a good fit.

Importance of Legal Procedures:

Legal steps protect everyone’s rights in surrogacy.

Lawyers in reproductive law help with the legal parts of surrogacy. They make sure everything follows the law.

These steps create a clear plan for the surrogacy journey. They cover things like rights, money, and the surrogate’s role.

Comprehensive Surrogacy Agreements and Contracts:

Agreements and contracts are important documents. They outline everyone’s rights and duties.

They talk about things like money, medical costs, keeping secrets, making decisions, and the surrogate’s role. Intended parents and surrogates work together to make these agreements. It’s smart for both sides to have their own lawyers.

Involvement of Legal Professionals:

Lawyers in reproductive law are key to making sure surrogacy arrangements are legal and work well.

They help with making agreements, explaining rights and duties, and navigating legal issues. They also help with things like getting a birth certificate and changing parental rights.

The process of matching and legal steps, along with surrogacy agreements, lays a strong base for a successful journey. Working with legal experts helps intended parents and surrogates understand surrogacy laws. This ensures everyone’s rights and well-being are protected.

Surrogate Mother

3. Fertility Treatments and IVF and embryo transfer

Fertility treatments, like in vitro fertilization (IVF), are key in surrogacy. They help create embryos and increase pregnancy chances.

Overview of the Fertility Treatment Process:

The goal of fertility treatments is to help conceive and carry a pregnancy successfully.

IVF and other technologies are used to make embryos. This increases the chance of pregnancy.

These treatments include medical steps to overcome fertility issues and improve the reproductive process.

If the intended mother uses her own eggs, she goes through screening and stimulation. If an egg donor is used, the donor must be screened and agree to the process. Everyone involved must get medical screening. Your agency and doctor can help with this.

Steps Involved in the IVF Process:

The IVF process includes several steps:

  1. a) Ovarian Stimulation: Hormones are given to the intended mother or donor to stimulate egg production.
  2. b) Egg Retrieval: A minor surgery is done to remove mature eggs from the ovaries.
  3. c) Fertilization: In the lab, the eggs are fertilized with sperm to create embryos.
  4. d) Embryo Transfer: The embryos are then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus to start a pregnancy.

IVF process

Significance of Synchronization:

Matching the surrogate’s cycle with the intended mother or donor is crucial for IVF success.

It ensures the surrogate’s uterus is ready for the embryos. Medications may be used to synchronize cycles.

IVF is a precise method to increase the chances of successful pregnancy. It includes ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer.

This process helps create embryos that can lead to healthy pregnancies. Following the IVF steps and focusing on synchronization increases the chances of a successful surrogacy.

This is for gestational surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy, though less common, might not need IVF.


4. Pregnancy and Prenatal Care for gestational carrier

The surrogate is key in carrying the intended parents’ child. Prenatal care is vital for the surrogate and the baby’s health.

During pregnancy, the surrogate gets medical check-ups and monitoring. These allow doctors to track the baby’s growth and address any issues.

Emotional and psychological support is also given to the surrogate. Open communication with the intended parents helps build trust and understanding. This support system is crucial for the surrogate’s well-being.

Prenatal care for surrogates includes advice on nutrition, exercise, and emotional health. Healthcare professionals guide them to keep healthy and make choices that benefit the baby. They have regular check-ups and medical tests to ensure a smooth pregnancy.

Intended parents are encouraged to join in the pregnancy journey. They can attend medical appointments and share in the joy of milestones like hearing the baby’s heartbeat. This involvement strengthens their bond with the surrogate and creates a sense of shared responsibility.

Pregnancy and prenatal care in surrogacy focus on medical support, emotional well-being, and open communication. It’s a team effort that prioritizes the health of the surrogate and the baby. It also helps build a strong relationship between the intended parents and the surrogate.


5. Childbirth and Post-Birth Procedures for a gestational surrogate

The birth of the child is a moment of joy and anticipation for everyone. Intended parents are encouraged to be there, as it allows them to witness their baby’s arrival and support the surrogate.

Their presence during childbirth provides comfort and reassurance to the surrogate. It acknowledges the surrogate’s incredible journey and strengthens the bond between all parties.

After childbirth, legal procedures are needed to establish the intended parents’ legal rights. This includes legal documents and court processes to ensure they are recognized as the child’s legal parents. It’s crucial for the rights and responsibilities of all parties.

After the birth, the intended parents and the surrogate may stay in touch and continue their relationship. They might share updates on the child or arrange visits. The level of contact depends on their preferences and agreements.

It’s important to approach the post-birth period with sensitivity and gratitude. Recognizing the surrogate’s selfless act is vital. Continued communication and support help build positive relationships.

This is a time of celebration and ongoing communication. It strengthens the bond between the surrogate and the intended parents as they start their journey of parenthood. Enjoy each milestone in your surrogacy journey.

More Resources to Read:

IVF with Egg Donation in Ukraine

Surrogacy for HIV+ Intended Parents in Ukraine

Is Surrogacy in Ukraine legal?

Affordable Surrogacy in Ukraine for Married Couples


Surrogacy is a complex journey involving multiple parties and legal considerations. It offers hope to couples who can’t conceive naturally and allows them to experience parenthood.

However, it raises ethical and moral questions about exploitation and commodification. It’s crucial to regulate and monitor the process to protect everyone’s rights and well-being.

Surrogacy can bring joy and happiness but has emotional, physical, and psychological impacts. It’s important to have legal agreements to establish rights and responsibilities.

Surrogacy is a personal decision that requires careful thought and expert advice.


Mobile: +91-8800481100 ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the surrogacy journey:

What is the surrogacy process?

Surrogacy is when a woman, called a surrogate, carries a pregnancy for intended parents who can’t have a child themselves. The surrogate doesn’t have a genetic link to the child in most cases.

How does the surrogacy process work?

The process includes several steps. These are initial consultations, matching intended parents with a surrogate, legal steps, fertility treatments, pregnancy care, childbirth, and post-birth procedures. Each step is managed to protect everyone’s well-being and legal rights.

Who can benefit from surrogacy?

Surrogacy helps infertile couples, single males, gay couples, women with failed IVF treatments, and women without a uterus. It gives them a chance to have a biological child and start a family.

How do I find a surrogate?

You can find a surrogate through agencies, fertility clinics, or personal connections. Agencies and clinics make the matching process easier and ensure legal and health screenings. But, you can also find a surrogate through online platforms or family and friends.

What are the legal aspects of surrogacy?

Legal rules for surrogacy vary by country. You need to know the laws in your home country and the country where you plan to do surrogacy. Some countries allow commercial surrogacy, while others only allow altruistic surrogacy. It’s best to get legal advice for your situation.

How long does the surrogacy process take?

The process usually takes 15 to 24 months. But, it can vary based on factors like surrogate availability, legal requirements, and fertility treatment success.

What are the costs of surrogacy?

Surrogacy in the USA costs between $150,000 and $180,000. Overseas, it costs less, around $50,000 to $70,000.

What support is available for surrogates?

Surrogates get medical care and emotional support. Agencies often offer counseling or support groups to help them.

Can I have a relationship with the surrogate during and after the process of surrogacy?

Intended parents and surrogates can have different levels of contact. Some prefer a close relationship, while others prefer less contact. It’s important to talk about what you both want during the matching process.

Is surrogacy legally recognized?

Legal recognition of surrogacy varies by country. Some have laws, while others have restrictions. It’s important to understand the laws and get legal advice to follow them.

Remember, this information is for general guidance. For specific advice, talk to surrogacy professionals and legal experts based on your situation and location.


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Transparent process with expert people. Ms.Neelam is a trust worthy person.

SP, Singapore

SP, Singapore

I completely recommend this IVF Conception and Neelam for couples or individuals that are trying to have a baby… They are engaged… Keep you well informed —No hidden costs or issues… I can’t say enough how wonderful they have been throughout this process… More Testimonials



Our surrogate journey started with Neelam. I’m so glad and feel so lucky that I was able to find her. She has been so amazing to us, trustworthy, helpful and caring. More Testimonials

T & Y, USA

T & Y, USA

Thanks Neelam! I know it’s really exciting, but we are trying not to be too excited as in the past we lost 9 embryos, half in miscarriage before 6 weeks. More Testimonials



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wish you a great happy year ahead.

Just keep you updated: A. is doing well. Now, she is 11 pounds, 55 cm, drinks 6 oz milk twice already.  More Testimonials

P & H, USA

P & H, USA

Thank you so much for yours help. You have put us in safe hands. Angela and us are going back to US on Saturday early morning. Angela is so cute and we are thinking of having her brother after a year. More Testimonials



“Hoping to have wonder babies, we initiated the process with Neelam at IVF Conceptions. Her warm concerns and dedicated helps drive this process moving through frustrated change of surrogacy policy in India. More Testimonials



“On April 18th, my wife Laura and I were fortunate enough to have a daughter born via surrogacy in India. From what we are told, she will be one of the last if the ban on commercial surrogacy for foreigners put in place last year is not reversed. More Testimonials

C & L, USA

C & L, USA

Ukraine Surrogacy Agency is a healthcare consultant, not a medical facility. All information and data published on this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitution or a priority before medical advice of your doctor. The website visitors are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with their professional healthcare providers/reproductive lawyers. IVF Conceptions will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, or other damages arising from the violation or misinterpretation of such recommendations.

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